Limitless™ WLS 重载开关具有 EN50041 特性、 IP67/IP68 密封,且非常适用于锌接头开关的重载应用,应对恶劣环境的污染物。该 WLS 系列产品提供广泛的执行器样式。多数型号的执行器接头旋转增量 90°,以满足灵活应用。
Limitless™ WLS Series
Wireless Limit Switches The Limitless™ product line combines the best of MICRO SWITCH™ heavy-duty limit switches with the latest commercial off-theshelf wireless technology. Wireless enabled limit switches can be used for position sensing and presence/absence detection for an endless number of applications. The Limitless™ Series is especially beneficial for remote monitoring applications where wiring or wire maintenance is not physically possible or economically feasible. Combining this greater flexibility with proven harsh duty packaging can result in increased efficiencies and improved safety for machines, equipment, OEMs, and operators.